Charlie Munger's Life Advice on Dealing with Regrets. | UM 2010【C:C.M Ep.200】
BECKY QUICK: Charlie, how would your career have been different if you went to business school instead of law school?
CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, we don't get to live life on an alternate career paths at the same time. And obviously, if I drifted into my present line of work at a younger age, I'd have more money now. (Laughter)
But so what – (Laughter) – you know, I always say this, they'll say when I die, how much did Charlie leave and the answer will be, I believe he left it all. (Laughter) Yeah, I mean in the end you're piling it up it's not such a big deal when you have to part with it in the end and so I do not regret.
Generally, only regret is a good – It's like the envy and resentment and a lot of other things. It's just, it's should be generally. I don't have a lot of regrets that I could have done it differently, here that I had a failed marriage or – I don't second-guess the past, I try and learn from the past and make decisions of the future. But I don't gnash my teeth.
I expected that any human beings is going to make a lot of dumb decisions and I've certainly made a lot of dumb decisions in my life, but not as many as most people. (Laughter)
BECKY QUICK: We have time for one more question, how about right back here in the back?
(Source: https://youtu.be/Pph3Bg8Pihg)
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