Collection: Charlie Munger

Why Charlie Munger Don't Invest in Gold? | University of Michigan 2010【C:C.M Ep.195】

Why Charlie Munger Don't Invest in Gold? | Univ...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: He was asking about you mentioned the high tide, the low tide. Where are we right now? Would it be a better idea to jump into equities...

Why Charlie Munger Don't Invest in Gold? | Univ...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: He was asking about you mentioned the high tide, the low tide. Where are we right now? Would it be a better idea to jump into equities...

Charlie Munger: How to Stay Sane in a Crazy World? | University of Michigan 2010【C:C.M Ep.194】

Charlie Munger: How to Stay Sane in a Crazy Wor...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: The idea that you are not near Wall Street, Berkshire's offices are not near Wallet Street. Does that make a difference? Is it easier to operate on...

Charlie Munger: How to Stay Sane in a Crazy Wor...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: The idea that you are not near Wall Street, Berkshire's offices are not near Wallet Street. Does that make a difference? Is it easier to operate on...

Charlie Munger: How Incentives Shape Behaviour? | University of Michigan 2010【C:C.M Ep.193】

Charlie Munger: How Incentives Shape Behaviour?...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: Charlie, a lot of the problems that we've been discussing so far from Wall Street to these bigger long-term energy initiatives and politics even are rooted in...

Charlie Munger: How Incentives Shape Behaviour?...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: Charlie, a lot of the problems that we've been discussing so far from Wall Street to these bigger long-term energy initiatives and politics even are rooted in...

Charlie Munger: Why Do Politicians Behave Badly? | University of Michigan 2010【C:C.M Ep.192】

Charlie Munger: Why Do Politicians Behave Badly...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: So all of the drama that we've watched unfold over the last two years, all of Washington's attempts to try and figure out what happened and to...

Charlie Munger: Why Do Politicians Behave Badly...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: So all of the drama that we've watched unfold over the last two years, all of Washington's attempts to try and figure out what happened and to...

Charlie Munger: Easy Money Corrupts & Really Easy Money tends to Corrupt Absolutely | UM 2010【Ep191】

Charlie Munger: Easy Money Corrupts & Really Ea...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: You know, a lot of the students that are in this room could be here from the business school and there's a real sense around the country...

Charlie Munger: Easy Money Corrupts & Really Ea...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: You know, a lot of the students that are in this room could be here from the business school and there's a real sense around the country...

Charlie Munger: Just Keep Your Head Down & Do Your Best. | University of Michigan 2010【C:C.M Ep.190】

Charlie Munger: Just Keep Your Head Down & Do Y...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: Do you think that the job market is as difficult or is going to be as difficult now as it was back in the 30s, how do...

Charlie Munger: Just Keep Your Head Down & Do Y...

  [Transcript] BECKY QUICK: Do you think that the job market is as difficult or is going to be as difficult now as it was back in the 30s, how do...