Collection: Charlie Munger

What Charlie Munger learned from his grandfather? | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.183】

What Charlie Munger learned from his grandfathe...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: I wonder if I could ask you to go back to maybe your 20s or something, of what got you really excited when you began seeing what...

What Charlie Munger learned from his grandfathe...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: I wonder if I could ask you to go back to maybe your 20s or something, of what got you really excited when you began seeing what...

Charlie Munger: Live With The Nature We Were Given. | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.182】

Charlie Munger: Live With The Nature We Were Gi...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: What I'm struck by Mr. Munger is your humor. And I'm also struck by your partner's (Warren Buffett) humor and your style of communication in front of...

Charlie Munger: Live With The Nature We Were Gi...

  [Transcript] AUDIENCE MEMBER: What I'm struck by Mr. Munger is your humor. And I'm also struck by your partner's (Warren Buffett) humor and your style of communication in front of...

Charlie Munger: Is This A Good Time To Invest In Stocks? | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.181】

Charlie Munger: Is This A Good Time To Invest I...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: But what about the – in a shorter time horizon, is this a good time to invest in the stock market? (Laughs) Is a funny question is...

Charlie Munger: Is This A Good Time To Invest I...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: But what about the – in a shorter time horizon, is this a good time to invest in the stock market? (Laughs) Is a funny question is...

Charlie Munger: It's Going To Be Tougher In the Future. | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.180】

Charlie Munger: It's Going To Be Tougher In the...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: What about economically? Are you afraid of the times today? When compare it to ten years ago when the Great Recession happening. Maybe if you could comment...

Charlie Munger: It's Going To Be Tougher In the...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: What about economically? Are you afraid of the times today? When compare it to ten years ago when the Great Recession happening. Maybe if you could comment...

Charlie Munger: What's going on with U.S. Politics today? | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.179】

Charlie Munger: What's going on with U.S. Polit...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: What are you thinking about today's economy in reference to 10 years ago, in reference to 20, 30, 40 years ago. What's going on today?   CHARLIE...

Charlie Munger: What's going on with U.S. Polit...

  [Transcript] JACK DANGERMOND: What are you thinking about today's economy in reference to 10 years ago, in reference to 20, 30, 40 years ago. What's going on today?   CHARLIE...

Charlie Munger: This Habit Helped Me Enormously In Life. | Redlands Forum 2020【C:C.M Ep.178】

Charlie Munger: This Habit Helped Me Enormously...

  [Transcript] LARRY BURGESS: You have such a variety and depth of diverse interests and ways in which you acquire knowledge and observations, and all the rest. But where do you...

Charlie Munger: This Habit Helped Me Enormously...

  [Transcript] LARRY BURGESS: You have such a variety and depth of diverse interests and ways in which you acquire knowledge and observations, and all the rest. But where do you...