Collection: Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger: How Does Intense Interest and A...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing that I found is an intense interest of the subject is indispensable if you are really going to excel on it. I could force myself...
Charlie Munger: How Does Intense Interest and A...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing that I found is an intense interest of the subject is indispensable if you are really going to excel on it. I could force myself...

Charlie Munger: 2 Kinds of Knowledge in this wo...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: I frequently tell the story of Max Planck, when he won the Nobel prize and went around Germany giving lectures on quantum mechanics. And the chauffeur gradually...
Charlie Munger: 2 Kinds of Knowledge in this wo...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: I frequently tell the story of Max Planck, when he won the Nobel prize and went around Germany giving lectures on quantum mechanics. And the chauffeur gradually...

Charlie Munger: You Want to Get the Power into ...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: A last idea that I found very important is I realized very early that non-egality would work better in the parts of the world I wanted to...
Charlie Munger: You Want to Get the Power into ...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: A last idea that I found very important is I realized very early that non-egality would work better in the parts of the world I wanted to...

Charlie Munger: Objectivity Maintenance routine...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Objectivity maintenance. Well, we all remember that Darwin paid special attention to disconfirming evidence, particularly to disconfirm something he believed and loved. Well, objectivity maintenance routines are...
Charlie Munger: Objectivity Maintenance routine...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Objectivity maintenance. Well, we all remember that Darwin paid special attention to disconfirming evidence, particularly to disconfirm something he believed and loved. Well, objectivity maintenance routines are...

Charlie Munger: Avoid Perverse Incentives Syste...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing: perverse incentives. You don’t want to be in a perverse incentive system that’s causing you to behave more and more foolishly or worse and worse....
Charlie Munger: Avoid Perverse Incentives Syste...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing: perverse incentives. You don’t want to be in a perverse incentive system that’s causing you to behave more and more foolishly or worse and worse....

Charlie Munger: "Self-Serving Bias, you want to...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing, of course, that does one in is the self-serving bias to which we are all subject. You think that your little me is entitled to...
Charlie Munger: "Self-Serving Bias, you want to...
[Transcript] CHARLIE MUNGER: Another thing, of course, that does one in is the self-serving bias to which we are all subject. You think that your little me is entitled to...